

AIN Student Societies Cup is a set of activities AIN proposes to encourage at the university level:

  • Leadership and development opportunities

  • Student-based projects designed to create a social impact.

Societies participating in the AIN Student Societies Cup will be acknowledged during AINAC 2017 and members will be funded to attend the conference.
Eligibility for a society to participate in the AIN Student Societies Cup:
  • Take part in at least three activities outlined in this package

  • Submit proof of participation and funded members information as outlined in this package by 15th October

  • Uni_AINnovation Spaces Competition
  • Uni_Youtube Challenge
  • Uni_Inspire: Workshops and Talks. Topics are related to the challenges and AIN themes.
  • Uni_Qomra: Local AIN opportunities Exhibition
  • Uni_Engage: AINAC Outreach and University Partnership
  • AIN Marketing and Creativity
**Societies can organise additional activities such as industrial tours, networking events, and science festivals.





Want to start a society?

Click here!