AINAC 2017

9th and 10th November 2017

AINAC 2017 will celebrate ‘Interdisciplinarity’

“Breakthrough innovation occurs when we bring down boundaries and encourage disciplines to learn from each other”

AINAC 2017 will be held in collaboration with a number of international industries from a range of sectors, including: healthcare, logistics and manufacturing. The conference will celebrate interdisciplinarity: a vital approach to solving the world’s most complex challenges.

The conference activities are designed to demonstrate the creativity that emerges from combining subjects together:

    AINAC 2017

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Inspiring keynote speakers

AAINnovation Spaces Competition

Certified Workshops

AIN Corporate Challenges


Keynote Speakers

Mr Fawaz Bitar, BP Head of Global Operations Organisation Upstream

Keynote speaker - AINAC 2017

Energy to Succeed – The Power of Collaboration

As BP’s Head of Upstream Operations, Fuzzy Bitar oversees the safe, reliable and efficient operation of over 45 oil and gas facilities across the globe from the permafrost of Alaska to the tropical rain forests of Indonesia. In his presentation, he explores the role of collaboration in overcoming the many challenges and opportunities that have presented themselves during his 28-year career in the energy industry. He identifies some of the skillsets and behaviours essential to successful collaboration and provides some personal insights from his own career.

Fawaz Bitar is BP’s Head of Global Operations Organization, Upstream. He is directly accountable for delivery of all aspects of Operations performance and strategy, including safety, production, cost and common processes. Prior to that, he was VP Operations Asia Pacific and Executive VP for Indonesia’s Tangguh LNG Project.

Fawaz has been with BP for 28 years. He has held operational assignments in the UK, US, Azerbaijan, Colombia, Egypt and Indonesia. He has a strong technical background and held key positions such as Project Director, Engineering & Operations Manager and Offshore Installation Manager. He also worked in the London Head Office as Executive Assistant to the Group Vice President.

Fawaz has a Bachelor of Engineering degree from Newcastle University and is a chartered UK and European Engineer and a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. He is also a graduate of the London Business School Accelerated Development Programme and was formally BP’s Executive sponsor for Imperial College London. He is currently undertaking a doctorate at the University of Aberdeen.

Fawaz is a member of the Royal Institute of International Affairs and a Freeman of the Tallow Chandlers’ Company. He is also the Vice Chairman of the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP).