You should be a fresh graduate or final year university student.
Interested applicants should apply online (application form below at the end of the page) by submitting her/his CV and selecting the industry they are interested in/have qualification for.
The submission is on an individual basis.
A judging panel will review CVs and select finalist for each of the industrial challenges.
Successful applicants will be notified and will receive invitation.
Finalists have to register to attend AINAC.
Finalists will be grouped into teams of three, and will be given an overview of the industrial challenge.
More details/Q&A session with industry.
Teams submit their solution by the end of the day.
Teams present their solution.
Announcement of winning teams.
Financial Assistance: Finalists will be granted travel grant to attend AINAC, which will cover the flight expense and accommodation. Students living in Jordan have a 70% discount on the registration ticket.
The internship offered for a team of 3 people per in an area which falls within the sponsor’s operations.
The internship can enable the hosted team to enhance their skills and experience by contributing to the sponsor activities and implement their solutions.
View the process poster