Engage. Inspire. Innovate.

AINAC 2019 – Challenge Arabia

-1953Days -4Hours -27Minutes -8Seconds

SINCE 2012, WE HAD..

Sponsored to attend
Certified Workshops
International Competitions
Countries Representatives


Corporate Challenges

Corporate Challenges

AIN Corporate Challenges provide a unique transition for talented candidates from university to employment. AIN works with partners to structure challenges for youth to solve through this competition, by the end of which, partners offer the winning team internships and training.

AIN challenges aim to link young participants with the host corporates through presenting a problem that the corporation face, within one of the main fields AIN focuses on which includes; Manufacturing, Health, Environment, Logistics and services. AIN corporate challenges allow a number of selected competing teams to present their creative solutions and ideas and the team who provides the most convincing and viable solutions wins a fully funded internship at the host corporation.

AINnovation Spaces

AINnovation Spaces

AINnovation Spaces Competition is AIN’s most prestigious competition, designed to allow students from across the Arab world to showcase their ideas in front of judges and experts in various fields. AINnovation Spaces challenges student to come up with innovative ideas to solve health, environmental, and engineering problems. Ideas are not limited to solving problems only, but can be ‘anything’ that will better people’s lives and the world. Selected participants are invited to AIN’s annual conference (AINAC) to present their ideas. Our winner receive a fully funded two-months internship at Qatar Mobility Innovation Centre (QMIC) in Qatar.



Certified workshops from world leading institutions, presented interactively by professional academics and trainers in the field of healthcare, environment, engineering and entrepreneurship.

AINAC workshops provide personal development opportunity and technical skills and knowledge to enhance work professionality.

AINcom Exhibition

AINcom Exhibition

AINcom is an interactive exhibition that brings together companies and NGOs to promote their activities to AINAC attendees. It is also an open space for people to network.

AINcom exhibition is a platform to:
Explore development and career opportunities.
Engage with experts in your field.
Network with like-minded individuals.
Enjoy creative and interactive games.

Engage. Inspire. Innovate.


Previous years will be available soon..